Celebrating World Animal Day and the Use of Cannabis For Animals
In case you don’t know, today, October 4th, is World Animal Day where we celebrate the importance of animals in the world, raise awareness on...
Did You Know? Celebrities in the Cannabis Industry
For a few years now, many stars have been involved in the Cannabis business, with new ones jumping in all the time. I don’t know...
Cannabis Talk 101’s Guide to Cannabis Themed Halloween Costumes
Welcome to October. The month of pumpkins, spooky festivities, candy, haunted movies, and the big day on October 31st, Halloween! As we enter the first...
Investing Your Future into Cannabis
Stocks. I don’t know about you, but when I think of people who invest in the stock market, I imagine them to be like Martin...
Carts: Reusable or Disposable?
Recently I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about what is the best thing out there for an easy and quick high. Carts are quickly...
How to Help Someone Experiencing a Bad High
I don’t smoke or eat weed, it’s just not for me, but don’t get me wrong! I do support it and I’ve been around people...
Why Aren’t Credit Cards Allowed at Dispensaries?
Source: The Cannabis Cash Conundrum — The Top Challenges For Banking & Buying Legal Buds Everyone lately has been raging all about cashless transactions. It’s...
Accessories to Help Elevate Your Experience
Now more than ever, I’ve been having many conversations with my friends about how they choose to experience weed. Many of them like to just...
Tips on How to Have a Good Experience Using Cannabis For the First Time
by Michellas Baca The first time you get high can be extremely overwhelming and can affect how you feel about getting high for the rest...
A Closer look at Cannabinoid Receptors
I’ve been seeing the phrase, “Cannabinoid Receptors” pop-up in almost every article I’ve been reading lately that is talking about THC. So out of curiosity, I took some time to look more into them and learned a lot about how exactly THC is able to work its psychological effects.