February 15, 2025

Black Market Dispatch: Fake Diamonds.

There’s a famous scene in Donnie Brasco where a gangster, played by Al Pacino approaches a man named Donnie in a bar and asks him to sell a diamond ring for him. Donnie, who’s known as “The Jeweler” takes all of two seconds to determine that the ring is in fact a fake or “fugazi” and cooly informs him that he wouldn’t be caught dead with such an obvious replica of the real thing.

Canndescent Sparks Change With Their Release Of Justice Joints. 

Last October, Canndescent announced the launch of JUSTICE JOINTS, a first-of-its kind, cannabis brand, where 100% of profits will be donated to social justice causes. Specifically, JUSTICE JOINTS will donate all profits to fostering the participation and ownership of BIPOC communities within the cannabis industry and to prisoner release, expungement and reentry programs for those convicted of nonviolent cannabis offenses. 

Is Marijuana Linked To Depression?

As brought up by Mayo Clinic, research indicates that marijuana has been associated with those diagnosed with depression. The conclusion that marijuana causes depression can’t be directly confirmed, as its evidence may be brought forth in contradiction, considering that it’s common for those struggling with depression to use marijuana to cope with symptoms (Hall-Flavin, 2018).