February 15, 2025

How To Use Cannabis as a Personal Development Tool

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For decades marijuana users have been given the label of “lazy unmotivated couch potatoes”. But this is far from the truth. Marijuana can be beneficial for self growth and development. There are a multitude of areas in your life where marijuana can be used as a tool. 

Stress Relief

Cannabis has been a well known and proven stress relief for users. With that being said, when dealing with stress do not instantaneously run for the bong. It is important to realize the stress; then address it. Is there a way this stress can be turned into a positive motivating force? If not and the stress has become too much, then by all means spark up. For night time stress release sessions use a more strain conducive of a body high. For day time sessions use a more cerebral strain. 

Changing Self-Talk

Sometimes people can get stuck in a negative feedback loop, and it can be hard to break this echo chamber of your mind. This requires a little spark, literally, to get a little jump start. Cannabis can offer a quick intermediate burst of relief. This can help break this negative self-talk cycle. Once again it is important to remember to never overdo your cannabis usage, but marijuana can help you be a little nicer to yourself. 

Exploring New Ideas

Marijuana allows users to open their minds, feel more creative, and see things from new perspectives. Say you’re not feeling fulfilled in your career, thinking about moving to a new city, or thinking about creating content, smoke up. Ponder these decisions while high. Explore these decisions from a new perspective, and write down your thoughts. The next day revisit the writing; see if there are any ideas there that are valuable. Maybe there are some nuggets of information you can use going forward with the decision you are pondering. 

Master the Mundane

Being high can make even the most boring tasks manageable and even fun. Go ahead and rip your dab. Then knock out those dishes that have been sitting in the sink for weeks. Or toss those bed sheets in the laundry. Attack that disaster closet you have been avoiding. If you are feeling really elevated go mow your lawn, and wow yourself with the striped grass pattern you can create. If manual labor isn’t your thing, go outside and do some yoga, mediate, or just soak up the sun.

Source: The Fresh Toast

Images: Pexels (Dom J, Pixabay, Andrea Piacquadio)

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