Edible Tips and Reminders!
Edibles have changed drastically over the years. The days of your friend’s suspect cousin making “special brownies” are thankfully over. Unfortunately many of these “special” brownie batches have left people with overwhelming experiences with edibles.
Well, I am here to tell you times have changed, and edibles are no different. Edibles have become well monitored and well crafted treats anyone can enjoy. Also, dosage measurements have become a priority of all producers. Allowing consumers to no longer have to cross their fingers and hope when they pick their edibles.
Here are some tips and some considerations to take into account next time you hit your local dispensary for edibles.
It is very important to remember that everyone’s body is different. Nobody gets drunk at the same rate; the same can be said about people’s reaction to THC. So keep in mind that what got your friend comfortably high may overdue it for you, or vice versa.
Remember that budtenders are there to help you as much as they can. Let them. Be open and honest with them about your experience level with THC, and what you’re looking to get out of the experience. Don’t forget to mention any food allergies or sensitivities to your budtender.
Edibles packaging will very clearly state the THC level and CBD level. Think of these numbers as you would the ABV (alcohol by volume) of a drink. An edible with a higher number will hit harder than one with a smaller number; similar to the way a glass of wine or glass of vodka will hit differently. The golden rule of edibles is “start low, and go slow”. So don’t be ashamed to reach for those 5 mg edibles. Everyone starts somewhere, and with edibles everyone starts low. Miguel Trinidad, a co-founder of 99th Floor, explains, “It’s always best to start small and work your way up. Try edibles in 5 mg increments, and if it’s too much, go lower. The way you’ll feel the effects, even if it’s a little too strong for you, it won’t last as long as eating a brownie that’s 100 mg.”
As far as figuring out the THC to CBD ratio, look for a 1:1 ratio. David Cooper, a retail trainer for Cresco Labs, explains that this ratio can “help the THC from getting too racy.”
Finally, it is important to remember you can always eat more if you desire a more intense experience. But you can’t undo what you’ve eaten. So go slow, and give the edibles a full 90 minutes to kick in before you eat more.
Source: Timeout
Images: Unsplash (Elsa Olofsson), Pexels (Hazel Marie, Nataliya Vaitkevich)