Where is Clark County’s Marijuana Tax Money Going?
Many people are pro-weed here in Nevada but that doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone partakes in smoking. There are a lot of the benefits to being a pro-weed state and a lot of those benefits comes out of all the tax money the marijuana industry revenants. Las Vegas has gone on to rapidly grow to be one of the biggest industry providers, earning over an estimated $1 billion in sales during 2021. But where is it all going?
It is known that about 10% of revenue is going towards Nevada education and has helped to move the state up from dead last, but that’s only 10% from this gigantic industry. So where’s the rest being directed towards?
In Clark County, more than $1 million of revenue is being directed towards helping those who have been convicted of minor marijuana offenses. Much of this money is being directed towards programs and resources that help to provide legal aid to those who need it. This money is being given to the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada and Nevada Legal Services, getting around $500,000 each to help those who may need it.

Another big concern for those convicted is the pressure to have those records closed. They have been forced to live with this criminal record for something that is totally legal and it’s unfair to have to do that to people. Having these records go on to affect their day to day and can play a part in the jobs and schools they get into which is incredibly unfair. Yet getting a record sealed is not any easy thing to do. Many people are eligible to have these records closed, it’s just the matter of getting someone to approve it. The Clark County industry has been having about $225,000 go towards the Code for American Labs to help analyze records to get them closed. Although getting them sealed is not an easy process and can be very time consuming, the industry is finding ways to provide help to those who need it.
A lot of Nevada’s weed money is going towards great programs to help better communities. We’ve talked about how Nevada has been able to move up in education due to the money the industry proves and now we see it’s helping to provide to those who need help.
Sources: Fox 5 Vegas, Marijuana Moment
Images: “File:Clark County Courthouse, Clark County, Wisconsin.jpg” by TheCatalyst31 is marked with CC0 1.0.
“LEGAL Colorado Marijuana Grow” by Brett Levin Photography is licensed under CC BY 2.0.