WHEN CANNABIS GOES WRONG:Drug Trafficking From US to the UK
Source: BBC
By: Emily Jiannetto
Two women and one man from Blackpool, England were arrested by authorities under the suspicion of “importing a controlled drug” according to the BBC. Police confiscated “10kg of herbal cannabis as well as electronic devices, a Rolex watch, and £2,000 in cash” (BBC). Apparently, the marijuana is believed to be from California and this is an emerging pattern in England.

In the UK, marijuana is a Class B drug and illegal all the UK, and while medical use was legalized in 2018, cannabis is still only prescribed in extreme cases, such as to help with epilepsy and chemotherapy. In a number of states in America—including California—cannabis is recreationally legal, making it very easy to access and export to another place, even another country. According to Detective Chief Inspector James Edmonds of Blackpool, drug trafficking has become “more brazen,” with dealers selling the drug online, and being delivered right to a person’s home (BBC).

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