October 21, 2024

How to Simmer Down Your High

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We have all gotten a little too high, we have all been there. Anyone who uses cannabis on a consistent basis is bound to over-do it once in a while. The “too high” headspace can be a very anxious one, and can be hard to escape. But here are some practices or actions that can help you simmer down your high. So next time you overindulge you have a tool kit to help yourself out. 

Focus on Art

Marijuana is known to enhance colors, music, and other visuals. Which may make doing a craft, painting, or drawing more enjoyable. So if you are wanting to get through a rather intense high, consider pulling out a pen and paper or paints. This will give you something to focus your attention on, and allow yourself to feel like you are doing something productive. Playing your favorite video game can also provide some of the same benefits, as video games are distracting and productive. 


One way of dealing with the uneasy anxious feeling associated with being too high is exercise. Exercise can reduce the effects of the THC, and offer a distraction. It is recommended not to embark on a major weight lifting excursion. But rather a simple exercise like a walk. Just enough to produce a sweat. This will help you feel like you have accomplished something, and as a result this will immensely help your head space. 

Cold Shower

The practice of a cold shower, would be best following the exercise. The shower will relax the body and mind. To become sober after partaking in marijuana relaxing the body is crucial, and a cold shower is an easy way to do this. Bathing is a therapeutic experience, and this can help you escape that anxious headspace. If you do not have the time or means to take a full fledged shower try splashing cold water on your face. This action will lower your heart rate, and help you relax. 


Intertwining CBD with your THC usage can offer several benefits. If you are using marijuana regularly it is a good idea to incorporate CBD to take the edge off an intense cannabis high. Due to the relaxing properties of CBD it can be very beneficial to helping the body relax. Which is the key to becoming sober after heavy marijuana usage. There is also research that indicates that CBD may be beneficial in decreasing THC induced anxiety. So CBD will help relax your body and your mind.

Source: The Bluntness

Images: Pixabay on Pexels (1)(2)

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