Tips on How to Have a Good Experience Using Cannabis For the First Time
by Michellas Baca
The first time you get high can be extremely overwhelming and can affect how you feel about getting high for the rest of your life. So it’s imperative you take your time and plan out your first experience and make it a good one! After all, you are only allowed a first time only, ever, once.
Some of these tips may seem like common sense things and stuff you were planning to do anyways, but regardless, they are still good points to mention.

Place and people do matter.
The first time you get high, your anxiety can act up. You might end up worrying about silly things like when you’re gonna get home, if you’re going to feel like this forever or potentially, you might forget how to breathe during your first experience. So it is important you choose to get high in a place you are extremely well familiarized with and somewhere you’re comfortable staying at. It is also important you surround yourself with people you trust and who are calming to be around. Getting high for the first time can be an immense emotional experience and it is essential you buddy yourself up with people you trust in order to insure, not only a safe experience but fun one! Many of my friends have shared their stories with me on how they didn’t feel comfortable getting high again until years later all because their first experience was poorly timed. So to ensure that you don’t meet the same fate, plan it out!
Picking out the perfect time.
The worst part is going to work or college classes with a hangover. A cannabis hangover offers cute little symptoms of grogginess, leftover floating feeling and just overall, sleepiness. Now, imagine going to work or class like that! Give yourself and your body the time to rest! You want to give yourself a good amount of hours the first time, depending on what you start off with, that will affect when the drug hits. You also want to make sure you have enough time while the high lasts and a little bit for aftercare!
We’ve talked before in these blogs about what role terpenes can play in your psychedelic experience and how valuable it can be shopping for them. As of right now, there are about 6 major terpenes found in cannabis flowers; each affecting the brain in their own unique way. Many of them can help with overwhelming anxiety and stress, those maybe the ones you’d want to look for your first time.
How you choose to indulge yourself.
Today in our “Consumer First” world, we are often bombarded with endless options and for someone new, you might not know what to go with. Edibles and carts might seem like the best option, they are easy, mess-free and discreet. Although they are incredibly powerful and hit fast- so you might want to keep looking around. A classic way is by blunt, which comes up easy and slow. You can also buy them pre-rolled so you don’t have to worry about making your own! But these aren’t your only opinions out there, so keep researching and find out what works best for you!
Your first time should be fun and not to be over-dramatic, but just a little life changing! Take your time to research and discover what will work best for you. Get some good friends and a safe place, buy snacks and play good music! This is your experience after all!
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-sitting-on-white-concrete-floor-4881613/
Photo by Washarapol D BinYo Jundang from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/dark-green-leafed-plant-2731663/