September 8, 2024


Mason Eudemiller – 16 – @Mason_Eude

Mason is an innovative, forward thinking entrepreneur who is ambitiously collaborating with specialized companies to create a lifestyle brand that will comprehensively bring together extreme sports and the
burgeoning cannabis and cannabis-centric industry developing across the globe.

He has a tight crew of friends that do anything and everything that presents itself- anywhere on the planet. He’s a diehard, indy type of athlete and pushes the limits in several different extreme sports such as surfing, snowboarding, skating, fishing, spearfishing, muay thai etc..  He’s already facilitated beneficial collaborations with industry leaders, in these sports, to bridge the sophisticated, barrier to entry dynamics non-cannabis organizations are encountering while trying to penetrate the legitimate cannabis business universe.

He envisions large events, extreme games, monumental acquisitions, multi-faceted marketing and advertising campaigns where cannabis and non- cannabis focused organizations galvanize to create a unique, lucrative industry with a newly formed DNA never encountered before in the business world.
He has been invited and will be attending a summer session at Harvard where he will have the opportunity to join a think tank/ incubator and hone his business- venture capital- acquisition skill sets while forging vital new relations and expanding his network for future opportunities, ideas and capital investment.

He is excited to be collaborating with CT101 and is committed to developing an extreme sports/products – cannabis centric promotions brand under their mentorship. This includes working with industry leadersin surfing, skating, motocross, fishing, sports, fashion, music, beverage, technology, entertainment, etc, sponsoring independent, innovative athletes/spokespeople and collaborating with a diversified group of large and boutique organizations to execute the highest level global events/rollouts in every genre.

He’s excited for the future in an industry that has no limits, is uniquely different, welcomes all and, most importantly, is at its genesis. Perfect for the Gen Z- Next Titan of the Cannabis Industry