CBD and THC, What’s the Difference?
In recent years, people have been looking to experience cannabis’s benefits in different forms. Some resort to traditional intakes of marijuana like edibles or smoking to undergo the feeling of getting high. For people who enjoy this sensation, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the way to go. However, some may not want to reap the calming benefits of cannabis in this way. Instead, other people might resort to CBC (cannabidiol) to gain similar symptoms of tranquility without distortion.
Although these chemicals originate from the same plant, they are very different in the way they affect the body. So, what makes them different?
For once, CBD affects different receptors in the brain than THC. Consequently, CBD will not provide a high because it is less psychoactive and produces slighter effects than THC does. Despite this, CBD still brings forward positive effects on the body, generally providing a calming sensation that helps soothe insomnia and anxiety. It is found that “Strains of cannabis that have an even more amount of CBD and THC are far less likely to create unwanted side effects in the user” (Jules M). On the other hand, products with higher levels of THC have a greater possibility of causing paranoia, racing heart rate, or anxiety.
Due to the fact that there is an absence of a high when intaking CBD, it is less regulated than THC and the plant it comes from. Additionally, CBD is generally not tested for in most standard drug tests. However, certain cannabis products may contain both THC and CBD and may show up positive in some drug tests. In this case, it is better to purchase CBD that is THC-free to avoid any possibility of a positive result. It is important to double-check your products and buy from trustworthy sources.
So, if you are looking for a way to relieve your pain, improve your mood, or aid your insomnia without the “high,” CBD might be the way to go.
Source: Vaping Vibe
Image: SurFeRGiRL30
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